![]() | avayorica |
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londynwarszawianka - Glad to see that you started a new thread about your learning progress of both your languages, English and Spanish.
Anyway, I have a question about an English language: Where did you learn English? At school? or Did you finish some additional courses? - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
+3 |
avayorica - I've never learnt English at school. I assume that around 80% of what I know I acquired through talking with natives once I moved to an English speaking country. Which, on one hand, is a good thing I suppose. But because of that I lag behind academically, and now I'm trying to catch up on the important bits.
2 lata temu
+3 |
londynwarszawianka - You’re on the right track to catch up everything what you need in your learning process.
As a future coach, you know how to be focused and achieve your own goals. - 2 lata temu |
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londynwarszawianka - You’re a very diligent person.
You’ve found the time for learning vocabulary, studying psychology and also for watching the TV series on Netflix. - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
+3 |
avayorica - Thank you! I'm trying my best :) I slept only three hours that's why I managed to squeeze in so many activities, ngl. But I caught up on some sleep today, back to normal :)
2 lata temu
zmieniany: 2 lata temu
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londynwarszawianka - I hope that you’re back to your normal habits because sleep is important for you and your learning activities.
I had a similar habit like you but only during some summer days:) - 2 lata temu |
+3 |
avayorica - My sleeping pattern is a bit messed up due to work. If I work nights then the last day of the working week I usually sleep very little, so I can go back to a normal night-time sleep the same day in the evening. The good thing is that I always sleep like a log, so my strange routine doesn't bother me :)
2 lata temu
+3 |
piotr.grela - avayorica I'm really impressed with your learning pattern. Do you use a shadowing techniques in repeating dialogues?
3 hour sleep is not quite healthy. I've got problems with insomnia I love learn and read at nights but later in the mornings I feel a little bit groggy... I have to take the sleeping pills, they are addictive, not healthy but they gave me 7 hours of decent sleep. - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
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avayorica - @piotr.grela I fully agree with you, sleep is extremely important for wellbeing. I normally sleep 6-7 hours a day, and luckily I'm a really good sleeper. The best time of the day is bedtime lol
2 lata temu
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piotr.grela - I've asked my neighbours, and many of them have got problems with their insomnia. Maybe it's caused by noise and light pollution living in a big city like London.
Some say that maybe it is caused by 5G antennas, and electromagnetic radiation. - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
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londynwarszawianka - Thanks for adding new vocab.
I remember one from your list: ‘Defamatory’, an adjective and ‘defamation’ (znieslawienie), as a noun: He was sued for defamation by his workmate. - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
+3 |
piotr.grela - Kiedyś studiowałem w UK prawo i bardziej niż defamation, utkwiło mi pamięci słowo: libel, którego wymowy nie mogę zapamiętać i wymawiam błędnie jak label - etykieta
2 lata temu
zmieniany: 2 lata temu
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londynwarszawianka - I omitted the word ‘libel’ but there’s a close relation between the words ‘libel’ and ‘defamation’.
Now I need to explain this thing in Polish & English as well: Istnieja dwa typy znieslawienia: ‘libel’ and ‘slander’. 🔹Libel - oszczerstwo (znieslawienie), ktore jest na pismie. In English, it’s a written defamatory statement. 🔹Slander - typ znieslawienia ustnego. It’s a spoken defamatory statement. Vocabulary related to the crime, here from an English TV show ‘Liar’ that is available on Netflix. - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
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piotr.grela - Avayorica wrote:
"spañol: ♥ Vi primera temporada, capítulo uno de 'The Office' en inglés con subtítulos en español. ♥ Vi primera temporada, capítulo uno de 'Friends' en inglés con subtítulos en español. Detuve la película después de cada frase y la leí en voz alta." You are amazing! My brother been many times in the US. In some states, especially southern ones - Spanish is a second or even almost first spoken language. - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
+2 |
avayorica - I don't think I am amazing, but thank you :)
I wish Spanish was as widely spoken where I live as in the states your brother has been to. My only chance to use it is practically only when I've got a lesson with my tutor. I've tried using Tandem, but talking with strangers is not really my cup of tea I think. - 2 lata temu |
+2 |
piotr.grela - I am wondering, in what language think poliglots?
Or maybe our thoughts have no specific language. Our speech is an outcome of our thoughts... There is a well-known poliglot Steve Kauffman he can speak more than 20 languages... But in my opinion in our life there is always a win-lose situation. We learn a new language but we impaire a language competency in our mother tongue, first language L1. - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
+2 |
piotr.grela - There was an article about young American boy who moved to the South America when he was 3yo and came back to the US when he was a teenager. And how it impaired his language ability in the first language English L1 and his second language L2. That his L2 language -Spanish becomes his L1 language and later his Spanish again becomes his second language.
2 lata temu
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londynwarszawianka - You have a lot on your plate so you’re doing a great job.
Very neat and tidy writing as a progress tracker. - 2 lata temu |
+3 |
avayorica - Thank you!
Having been tracking my learning progress for a while now I can tell that it does really help with achieving more throughout the day :) - 2 lata temu |
+3 |
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londynwarszawianka - Glad to know that you have a joyous time.
I’ve found a good quote by Marcus Aurelius: “Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them”. Rozważaj piękno życia. Obserwuj gwiazdy i zobacz, jak biegniesz z nimi. - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
+4 |
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avayorica - Thank you :) There are so many things I'd like to do that the only thing which is slowing me down is a lack of time. I wish I didn't have to work lol 😅
2 lata temu
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londynwarszawianka - The same like me. I have a long waiting list for things to do. For example: I’d like to watch series “Emily in Paris” or new one “Poker Face”.
2 lata temu
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Marcin48 - Sometimes even the time spent learning is not enough. To be productive and get language skills, you need to rest, especially to sleep enough and do sport. And provide vitamins, minerals, EPA, DHA.
The state of flow is something very good when it comes to learning. "Flow is a state of mind that occurs when a person is totally immersed in an activity. It can occur during a wide variety of tasks such as when a person is learning, being creative, or participating in a sport." - 2 lata temu |
+4 |
avayorica - @Marcin48 You're right, I couldn't agree more!
Luckily I've got this part covered: I sleep 7 hours on average, drink plenty of water, I'm on a vegan diet with a minimum amount of processed foods, take essential supplements, and I go to the gym 🙃 On the side note, I highly recommend home treadmill. When I study something which doesn't require taking hand-written notes (e.g revising vocab on eTutor) I jump on the treadmill and get the steps in while studying :) - 2 lata temu |
+4 |
londynwarszawianka - You have your own home treadmill so there is no need to go outside and spend many hours on exercises.
Anyway, a good mindset and the quality food is important to have a healthy lifestyle, also for the brain, especially for learning processes. Now, it’s the time to recharge my batteries :) Wishing you a good learning. - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
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avayorica - The two main reasons why I try so many different approaches are: the fact I don't like routine, and the amount of different goals I've got. Some people would probably say that I spread myself too thin, but this is what keeps me sane (:
2 lata temu
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Marcin48 - For me, routine is not bad. I like things which are familiar to me, even if they are not creative.
I hope time and effort put into learning will pay off. But I realize I need some kind of boosters to accelerate my development when it comes to creativity. My future development may need more creativity. You are good at creative approach to learning. I hope I will copy some of your useful methods of self-education in languages :-) Of course, slowly, at my pace... Everyone has their own pace :-) - 2 lata temu |
+2 |
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londynwarszawianka - Mozemy byc super z gramatyki angielskiej i miec duzy zakres slownictwa, ale to wymowa ma wplyw na to, czy jestesmy rozumiani przez innych kiedy mowimy.
Moj 'goal' na ten rok, 2023, to praca nad wymowa, na poczatek to przerabianie kursu "Say it", a takze sluchanie roznych anglojezycznych youtuberow. Chetnie zapoznam sie tez z podana strona przez @avayorica, gdyz uwazam, ze kazdy z uczacych sie tutaj ma odmienne doswiadczenia na polu nauki jezyka angielskiego i moze przez swoja wiedze przekazac cos wartosciowego dla innych. - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
+4 |
avayorica - Dokładnie, można się zapierać rękami i nogami mówiąc że wymowa nie jest taka ważna, ale nie da się ukryć ze ma ogromne znaczenie. Z moich obserwacji wynika że z jakiegoś powodu jak dwóch obcokrajowcow rozmawia między sobą po angielsku i mają złą wymowę to rozumieją siebie nawzajem o wiele lepiej niż kiedy obcokrajowiec rozmawia z native speaker'em. Zawsze mnie zastanawiał ten fenomen 😄
2 lata temu
+5 |
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londynwarszawianka - Recently I watched a movie with Brad Pitt “Bullet Train” (2021) and it seemed to me as a totally flop. Nowadays, it’s really difficult to find some good series and movies to watch.
2 lata temu
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avayorica - My friends tried to persuade me to watch it with them in the cinema, but after checking out the trailer I knew straight away it'd be a total failure. Not even Bad Bunny, who appeared it in and is one of my favourite Spanish singers, could make me go and watch that rubbish 😅
2 lata temu
+2 |
londynwarszawianka - You saved your time and money to watch this movie.
I always try to see some trailers and it works well for me :) I’ve watched another movie “Mrs Harris goes to Paris”. Plot situated in London, in 1950, about a cleaning lady who went to Paris to buy a gown from Dior. I’ve noticed one sentence of the dialogue: You are right, ducks. Ducks - 'kochana, kochany', zwrot, ktory jest uzywany w odniesieniu do bliskich przyjaciol (BrE). - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
+3 |
avayorica - Yeah, it's a very popular phrase in East Midlands and Derbyshire :) Kinda cute when people use it while talking with you. Apparently this word is derived from the Saxton word ducas, which meant a form of respect
2 lata temu
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londynwarszawianka - I didn’t know about it. I was wondering why people call others ‘ducks’.😃Thanks for info :)
2 lata temu
zmieniany: 2 lata temu
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londynwarszawianka - I hope that after this consultation you can write more about your experience and practice as well.
2 lata temu
+1 |
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darkobo - I'm impresssed. How much time did you spend on all those activities?
2 lata temu
zmieniany: 2 lata temu
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londynwarszawianka - I’ve read your previous comment about vocabulary checking in a dictionary.
My favourite ones are Cambridge and Merriam- Webster dictionaries. I check the meanining of the every word scrupulously and try to understand some context related to it. Different dictionaries include a great variety of sentences so it’s useful to read them all. - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
+2 |
avayorica - @darkobo Thank you! :)
I think I'm actually able to tell almost exactly how long all activities took me and how I manage to do them all. Revising English vocab took me just over an hour. I was a bit lazy in the morning so I did that while still chilling in bed. I listened to the audiobook while doing make up and prepping breakfast. As mentioned in the post, that took me 47 minutes. Then, prepping for the pronunciation session took me also around an hour, while I was at home. That included thinking what I actually want to say, recording myself a good few times, and writing an email. - 2 lata temu |
+2 |
avayorica - Writing an essay and revising Spanish vocab were both done on a break at work. My team and I always try to squeeze in two 1-hour breaks when possible. So I was revising vocab while eating and writing the essay after I was finished with food.
And I listen to ecuadorian radio stations while driving to and from work, which takes me an hour altogether. So all activities took me less than 6 hours altogether :) - 2 lata temu |
+2 |
avayorica - @londynwarszawianka that's amazing that you spend extra time to make sure you now the meaning of words on a deeper level! I think doing this is crucial if we really want to know in which situations the word can be used :)
2 lata temu
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londynwarszawianka - @avayorica - I’m doing this for myself as an additional practice. I’ve found that if I spend a little more time on it my understanding of some words and phrases is better and I can use them in a proper manner.
2 lata temu
zmieniany: 2 lata temu
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londynwarszawianka - Did you have 2-hour speech consultation by Skype or by Zoom?
Now it is better to write everything in our language. Czy mozesz napisac, czy cwiczylas pojedyncze wyrazy, czy zdania? Co zauwazylasz waznego po tej sesji? Odczulas jakas roznice w wymowie? Thanks :) - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
+1 |
avayorica - I'll explain everything once I get the email with evaluation :) And I'll post everything in Polish :)
2 lata temu
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londynwarszawianka - I feel some excitement about your future post related to the pronunciation session 😀
Please take your time, we can wait for it. - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
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londynwarszawianka - Good job! Wykonalas kawalek dobrej pracy nad swoja wymowa, bowiem korekcja bledow mowienia musi byc oceniona przez kogos innego, gdyz sami siebie slyszymy inaczej, stad nagrywanie jest pomocne.
Dobry pomysl do wdrozenia; nagrywanie i odsluchiwanie swojej wypowiedzi. Kazdy powinien nad tym zagadnieniem popracowac, a ten post pokazuje jakie popelniamy bledy wymowy w jezyku angielskim i jak to sie ma do naszego ojczystego jezyka. @avayorica - Good luck with your pronunciation and wishing you further successes on this field. - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
+1 |
avayorica - Oh yeah, recording is one of the exercises on my list. I forgot to mention it :) One of the best ways to track progress :)
2 lata temu
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londynwarszawianka - Can you please write here which carbs are the best for eating? Healthy ones, any short list.
Thanks in advance:) - 2 lata temu |
+1 |
avayorica - In a nutshell - the best carbohydrates are complex carbohydrates, which are also fibre-rich.
Some of the foods made of complex carbs are whole-grain pasta, rice and bread (bread can be deceitful as it can be brown in colour but made od plain flour, so you need to read the ingredient list and look for wholegrain flour), legumes and vegetables. Fruits are also healthy carbs. They are classified as simple sugars, but because they contain fibre they are not digested the same way as refined foods, so they are totally healthy to eat without any restrictions. - 2 lata temu |
+4 |
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londynwarszawianka - Yeah, I get it. Next days will be happier than the last ones. Wishing you always nice days :)
2 lata temu
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londynwarszawianka - Congrats on an excellent grade! 🎉Now you’re a professional coach. You really learnt so much about eating and psychology.
How long did you study? Is it was the online course or you had to go to the uni? It’s a time to celebrate your diploma :) - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
+1 |
avayorica - Thank you! 😊
This course gives me CPD points, which means that it's targeted at people who want to continue their professional development. I'm certified in personal training and as a nutritional advisor, so I've done Eating Psychology to expand my knowledge, and I'm planning to do a few more courses. The courses which give me CPD points are done online, personal trainer and nutritional advisor ones were done in person. - 2 lata temu |
+2 |
avayorica - My long-term goal is to study dietetics at uni, that's why I'm currently doing A-levels, which are needed to study for a degree.
Not gonna lie, it's hard to do it all as an adult. Working full-time, studying and trying to find time for other things. And it's gonna get even harder once I go to uni, especially because of this stupid inflation. But the job I currently have, even though it's well-paid, is not what I wanna do at all, and nutrition is my passion, so I want to pursue it :) - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu |
+2 |
londynwarszawianka - Thanks for answering me. It’s good because you’re a trainer and advisor as well so you can advise someone about a proper diet.
I have a question: When is the best time to eat fruits, before meals or after? Thx :) - 2 lata temu |
+1 |
avayorica - I really wouldn't worry about the timing for eating fruits. Once you start restricting yourself, thinking whether it'd be better to eat in the morning, or in the afternoon, before or after a meal, on its own or with other food, you'll end up restricting yourself and will eat less of it than normal. Fruits are great and should be eaten whenever possible. The only time I wouldn't eat them is right before bedtime, but then, I wouldn't eat any kind of food right before bedtime. This is the time for the body to rest, not digest :)
2 lata temu
zmieniany: 2 lata temu
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