Czy jest jakaś różnica w stosowaniu słowa yelled i shouted ?

13 lat temu

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Słowa 'shout' oraz 'yell' są synonimami i mają bardzo zbliżone znaczenie.
Taka samo jak, np. 'krzyczeć','wrzeszczeć','wydzierać się'.
Poniżej definicja i przykłady obu słów:

to shout loudly, for example because you are angry, excited, frightened or in pain
- He yelled at the other driver.
- She yelled at the child to get down from the wall.
- They yelled with excitement.
- She yelled out in pain.
+ speech ‘Be careful!’ he yelled.
- The crowd yelled encouragement at the players.
- He yelled out her name.
- to let out/give a yell
- a yell of delight

to say sth in a loud voice; to speak loudly/angrily to sb
- Stop shouting and listen!
- I shouted for help but nobody came.
- Then he started shouting and swearing at her.
- She shouted at him to shut the gate.
- to shout abuse/encouragement/orders
- He shouted that he couldn't swim.
- She shouted herself hoarse, cheering on the team.
+ speech ‘Run!’ he shouted.
- She shouted out in pain when she tried to move her leg.
- Who's going to shout me a drink?

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 8th edition

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