General English-only Discussion

15 lat temu
Let's make a step forward and start to discuss using english in this thread.
It would be a great experience for everyone who hadn't tried it yet.
There is a huge amount of topics to choose from, but I believe any limitations than forum rules shouldn't be stated. Talking about weather may be as interesting as commenting latest news.

I hope you like this idea and find out that english is very flexible, easy and clear.

ps: As for the correcting each other => only english too :)

May I start, what's your mood today?

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Odpowiedzi: 18

I'm wreathed in smiles. Having party today (20th July is my birthday and we used this perfect Sunday for meeting)

As for the weather it's quite windy now, finally! The afternoon was far too warm and I almost sank in sweat +_+

Greetings, Matt

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Thanks :)

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Okay, here ends my birthday.

Lets discuss something. Maybe some music?
What are you listening right now?

-> To be honest I'm listening like addicted to Christina Grimmie (check youtube user zeldaxlove64). Her covers are great.
I listen also Miley Cyrus albums and 977 Hitz Channel. I got little bored of The Beatles :D I listened them too much, I believe I know "Help!" lyrics by heart and some others too :D
15 lat temuzmieniany: 15 lat temu

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With all due respect ipon, which word don't you understand? "English" or "only"?

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I wouldn't even try,

btw are there any purposes to start any?

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sure, I'm not person for such things, if I have insulted anyone, I apoligize, never mention it.

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Somebody is a bit sensitive but I think it's time to go back to the main discussion. It was about music, I think. And, in advance, I'll say that I'm not that confident of my knowledge of English to freely speak in this language but I decided to venture - I'm not sure if this is a proper word, I found it in Diki. Maybe it will sounds better if I say I decided to have a try.

I don't have my favourite singer or band. It's always depends on the song whether I'll like it or not. And I never thought of using English songs to learn English. It's often difficult for me to distinguish words in songs. Maybe because there are sung once slower, once faster, louder or quieter. I don't have that problem with podcasts.

For the time being the only song, I'm sure I'll never get bored, is Skillet - Rebirthing. I can listen to it around the clock.

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nice to hear you give it a try :)

[quote=Belladonna]I don't have my favourite singer or band.[/quote]
neither I, just listening what sounds bearable and comfortable for my ears :D as far as I remember from all kinds of music I heard great tracks (maybe with little exceptions like Disco Polo which I hate)
[quote=Belladonna]It's often difficult for me to distinguish words in songs. Maybe because there are sung once slower, once faster, louder or quieter. [/quote]
It's often difficult for me too, but with time I progress and it becomes easier. I always try first understand and if I fail I check lyrics.
Lot's of time I listen music just for listening I feel like my mind just listen it without my real attention indeed. Now and then I catch myself using the words from those songs.
[quote=Belladonna]For the time being the only song, I'm sure I'll never get bored, is Skillet - Rebirthing. I can listen to it around the clock.[/quote]
I remember this great song, I found it like 2 years ago. Then I started to listen full Skillet album. Unfortunatelly I found that it affect me a little bad way and I feel drained after few hours of listening it.

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[quote=Ajdija]nice to hear you give it a try[/quote]

I thought that it would be a shame not to say anything. I've been learning English in etutor for almost 3 years. Maybe my attitude will encourage other users to write something in English. The level don't have to be high. I still have many problems with grammar and I don't mind if someone will correct me. Quite the opposite, I would really appreciate it.

[quote=Ajdija]Then I started to listen full Skillet album. Unfortunatelly I found that it affect me a little bad way and I feel drained after few hours of listening it.[/quote]

Well, I also listened to other songs of this band and only two I liked so I don't blame you ;)

And I never judge songs based on the lyrics. Maybe it's a bit stupid - the lyrics may be hopelessly silly but I will like the song because the melody or something will catch my attention.

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You could also write:

"I don't listen to music very often. I don't have time. I know precious little about music.

Eve, you have written very nice posts. I've learnt a lot from them. Your posts are very nice to read.

15 lat temuzmieniany: 15 lat temu

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yay! it seems that in my place are the coldest days of July. Has it become little cooler in yours too?
15 lat temuzmieniany: 15 lat temu

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Currently I can see dark clouds coming so I'm expecting that it will rain soon. Well, I don't mind it for the time being. I really hate heatwaves so little change of the weather is good for me. Besides, it was difficult to study or even do something when it was over 30 degrees outside and little less at home.

Greetings for everybody!

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Hello everybody!

I was thinking about join you, but I see, this thread is some weird... I suspect, some declamation was disappear... And maybe everybody was nervous of show their English skills?

Anyway, I try to up this thread... It's high time to do it!

At the beginning I'll say some sentences about me:
I'm learning English only some months, so I shouldn't do too much ;) But I'm trying and I'm writing something... I'm in the middle of A2 level in tutor :D I realize I can do a lot of mistakes (I'm sorry about it), but writing a sentences is a very good practical for my. I suppose, it will a good practical for You too, so

Ready... Steady... GO!

Now it's Your tern :)

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It's my turn to reactivate this thread. During writing this message I'm listening to Skillet - Rebirthing.

Writing is after listening with understanding the second hardest thing in English for me. I can read, read and read but I if i have to speak, write or listen it's harder to me than reading.

Maybe because I think to much what tense should be in this sentence, where should be this word... before or after this word? But I have learnt from sometime that it doesn't matter in most cases. If a person who are you speaking with has good manner then it/he/she ? will correct you or ask your a question if it/she/he wouldn't understand you.
14 lat temuzmieniany: 14 lat temu

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czy ty tylko w j. angielskim piszesz czy też po polsku

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czy tu można z kimś uczyć się angielskiego jeśli tak proszę o kontakt

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'czy tu można z kimś uczyć się angielskiego'
Tak, można . Ale jakbyś zrobł sobie zdjęcie przy rasowej furze, to szanse chyba byś miał większe /hihihi/
Ta Twoja fotka przy piecyku też licho nie wyszła ;), no ale wiesz jak jest ;)

pozdrawiam kolegę

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Zenstef but he has "hardcorowy" T-shirt ;) So "rasowy" car (jak jest fura? :D) isn't needed ;)

Anyway Zenstef, could you write sth in English? What you write in Polish is often interesting and funny in some way but I have never seen you writing sth in English expect corrected sentences in the "Questions" area.

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