S | sylwunia0937 |
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During the week I always get up at 7 a.m. I'm usually in a hurry, as I have a lot of things to do before going to work. I get dressed, brush my teeth, wash my face and comb my hair. I eat breakfast at 7:30 a.m. I drink coffee, and if I have time, I read a newspaper. Then I drive to work. I eat lunch during my break at 11 a.m. I get back home around 6 p.m. I eat dinner and watch TV. Then I put the dishes in the dishwasher and do some cleaning. Later in the evening I play computer games and listen to music. Sometimes, when I'm in the mood, I read a book instead. About 10 p.m. I eat supper and take a shower. I go to sleep at 11 p.m.
At the weekend I finally have some time to myself. I never work on weekends. On Saturdays I go shopping at the supermarket. I buy food for the whole week. Then in the evening I go to the gym or to the cinema. On Sundays I often sleep late. When I wake up, I wash my clothes and do some housework. Then I go out with friends or meet with my family. We usually go to a restaurant for dinner.
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