Recycling - prosze o sprawdzenie

zmodyfikowany: 14 lat temu

Recycling is now an essential measure. It is time for everyone in society to become more responsible towards the environment. To what extant do you agree or disagree with this statement.

It is hard to deny that importance of recycling in the modern world. Whoever visit the nearest landfill site understands the scale of the problem better. However, recycling is not always the cheapest option.
We must acknowledge that there is a lot what can be done in terms of house hold recycling. Collecting news papers, bottles and cans trim amount of rubbish that has to be thrown to landfill.
Although, some councils collect plastic and glass bottles and recycle them, shops offer help to recycle empty ink cartridges or old batteries , many people are lazy when it comes to recycle and they throw everything away instead of separating out materials to be recycled.
Moreover, there are other pollutants of our planet such as car fumes, industrial waste and smoke.
Therefore many people feeling discouraged how an individual can really make a difference. In spite of overwhelmed by all the issues there are some practical ways that everyone can help to environment.
For example, use rechargeable batteries instead of disposal batteries. Commute to work by cycling not driving. Avoid using plastic whenever you can. This is a poison of the earth. Look into ways how plastic can be recycled. Some cities have programs for recycling difficult recycling types of plastic.
Buy cloths made with organic cotton which are more environmental friendly. Stop reading news papers if you can look up the news on Internet. Moreover use reusable fabric bags whenever you go shopping and reuse cloths or donate them to charity.
In conclusion, everyone is responsible and can help to the environment, without changing life style radically . Just organise better your house hold recycling and agree viable strategy which will allow future generations to enjoy the beauty of our planet

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It is hard to deny the importance of recycling in the modern world. Everyone who visits the nearest landfill site understands better the scale of the problem. However, recycling is not always the cheapest option.
We must acknowledge that there is a lot what can be done in terms of recycling in a household . Collecting newspapers, bottles and cans trims(1) the amount of rubbish that has to be thrown on the landfill.
Although(2) some councils collect plastic and glass bottles and recycle them and shops offer some help to recycle empty ink cartridges or old batteries , many people are lazy when it comes to recycling. They just throw everything away instead of separating out the materials which can be recycled.
Moreover, there are other pollutants of our planet, such as car fumes, industrial waste and smoke.
Therefore, many people feel discouraged, how an individual can really make a difference. In spite of being overwhelmed by all the issues, there are some practical ways in order to help to protect the environment.
For example, use rechargeable batteries instead of disposal batteries. Commute to work by bike, not by car. Avoid using plastic whenever you can. This is a poison of the Earth(3). Familiarise yourself with(4) the way how plastic can be recycled. Some cities have programs for recycling difficult recycling types of plastic.
Buy cloths made of organic cotton because they are more environment(5) friendly. Stop reading newspapers if you can look up the news on the Internet. Moreover, use reusable fabric bags whenever you go shopping and reuse cloths or donate them to charity.
In conclusion, everyone is responsible and can help to the environment, even without changing a lifestyle radically . Just organise better your household(6) thinking about recycling and choose a viable strategy which will allow future generations to enjoy the beauty of our planet

1. Collecting...=Zbieranie... to podmiot naszego zdania. Jest on w 3 os. lp. - dlatego do czasownika w Present Simple musimy dodać -s.
2. Po "although" nie wstawiamy przecinka - dopiero po całej frazie, którą zaczyna. Although wskazuje, że będziemy kontrastować dwa sprzeczne/różne zdania - "Although some people try to protect our environment, others seem to be too lazy to separate trash". Dlatego musiałam poprawić nieco Pani zdanie.
3. Ziemia, jako planeta (nie gleba, czy ląd) piszemy wielką literą. Podobnie jest z innymi planetami.
4. Nie bardzo wiem, co chciała Pani przekazać zwrotem "look inside" (przypatrz się??). Może lepiej - zapoznaj się=familiarize yourself with...
5. Przyjazny dla środowiska to "environment friendly" albo "environmentally friendly".
6. Proszę zwrócić uwagę na słowa: "household" i lifestyle" - piszemy je razem. Może Pani sprawdzać słówka w słowniku, jeśli nie jest Pani czegoś pewna :P Dzięki temu, nauka na pewno będzie efektywniejsza.
a.toronczak - System trochę szaleje z tymi poprawkami - skreśla niepotrzebne rzeczy mimo, że dodałam np. przecinek. Proszę się nie zniechęcać ilością kolorów na wypracowaniu :)
- 14 lat temu

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