Czy mogę prosić o pomoc w sprawdzeniu mojej notatki?

11 lat temuostatnia aktywność: 11 lat temu
Twoja odpowiedź

I would like to invite everybody to military course.
It's a two-week military course.
The course will learn the basic military duties.
You learn about weapon and self-defence techniques to protect yourself in dangerous situations.
You will to practice in shooting skills and you will get involved in team exercises.
If you like the course, then the Army might be just the place for you.
My e-mail address is [...]

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Odpowiedzi: 2

Pierwsze dwa zdania połączyłbym w jedno - niepotrzebnie powtarza się "military course", np.
I would like to invite everyone on two weeks long military course.
Albo jak już w dwóch zdaniach to drugim mogłoby być: It lasts two weeks.

"The course will learn the basic military duties." - Raczej powinno być "teach you" zamiast "learn", ale lepiej byłoby użyć: On the course you'll learn basic military duties.

Czwarte zdanie w powinno być z "will".

"You will to practice in shooting skills and you will get involved in team exercises." - bez "to" oraz "skills" (osobiście użyłbym takiej formy: You'll improve your shooting skills, ...)


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"invite everybody to a two-week military course"
"the course will teach you..."
"you will learn about weapons..."
"you will practise shooting skills and do a lot of team exercises" (get involved mi tu nie pasuje za bardzo)
"if you enjoy the course, the Army is/might be..."

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