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MyroslavaRozbytska18 Pracownik eTutor |
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![]() W pierwszej kolejności należy stworzyć własną listę słówek o określonej liczbie elementów, w tym miejscu - https://www.etutor.pl/words/user-words, aby z niej utworzyć zestaw list słówek w Powtórkach specjalnych - https://www.etutor.pl/special-repetitions Więcej o tworzeniu własnych list - https://www.etutor.pl/help/adding-words-to-repetitions Więcej o Powtórkach specjalnych - https://www.etutor.pl/help/special-repetitions - rok temu |
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G | golansky |
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1. Knackered - Very tired, exhausted. "I'm absolutely knackered after that workout."
2. Shattered - Another term for being extremely tired. "I'm shattered; I need to get some sleep."
3. Cream crackered - Cockney rhyming slang for "knackered," thus meaning very tired. "After running the marathon, I was cream crackered."
4. Done in - Fatigued or worn out. "After all that gardening, I'm done in." - rok temu zmieniany: rok temu
6. Zonked - Drained of energy or exhausted. "I was so zonked after the flight, I went straight to bed."
7. Dead on one's feet - So tired that one can barely stand up. "I was dead on my feet after three nights of hardly any sleep."
8. Fagged - Very tired (be cautious with this term, as it has other derogatory meanings in different contexts). "I'm too fagged to go out tonight."
9. Bushed - Tired or worn out. "I'm bushed after that hike."
10. Dog-tired - Extremely tired. "I'm dog-tired; I think I'll head off to bed early." - rok temu
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