Czy list zażaleniowy napisany przeze mnie jest poprawny?
rok temuostatnia aktywność: rok temu
Dear Sir/Madam,
I write to complain about the laptop I bought at your store in Warsaw five days ago. It was a present from my parents for my eighteenth birthday. I chose the model and the colour.
The laptop worked perfectly well for the the first couple of days. I could do my tasks, play a game and listen to music. One day it suddenly stopped working. When the baterry ran out, the laptop turned off, I cannot turn it on. I tried to fix it. I decided to borrow a battery from my friends. We replaced it, but nothing happened. I was sad to discover the laptop stopped working, so I decided to write to you.
I enclose the faulty product with the receipt and expect to be sent a new, fully funcioning one.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I write to complain about the laptop I bought at your store in Warsaw five days ago. It was a present from my parents for my eighteenth birthday. I chose the model and the colour.
The laptop worked perfectly well for the the first couple of days. I could do my tasks, play a game and listen to music. One day it suddenly stopped working. When the baterry ran out, the laptop turned off, I cannot turn it on. I tried to fix it. I decided to borrow a battery from my friends. We replaced it, but nothing happened. I was sad to discover the laptop stopped working, so I decided to write to you.
I enclose the faulty product with the receipt and expect to be sent a new, fully funcioning one.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Forum eTutor jest przede wszystkim miejscem, gdzie możemy zadawać konkretne pytania językowe. Nie sprawdzamy i nie tłumaczymy jednak całych tekstów. Natomiast, mogę polecić temat z naszego kursu eTutor, gdzie możesz zaczerpnąć informacji dotyczących pisania reklamacji i zażaleń w języku angielskim:
Jeśli chodzi o tworzenie własnych tekstów i sprawdzanie ich poprawności mogę zachęcić do skorzystania z naszego osobnego narzędzia, jakim jest
Tak ten list poprawił Chat GPT, który otrzymał polecenie: "Sprawdź poprawność językową poniższego listu napisanego w języku angielskim. Popraw ewentualne błędy pisowni i gramatyczne:"
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to complain about the laptop I bought at your store in Warsaw five days ago. It was a present from my parents for my eighteenth birthday, and I had chosen the model and the color.
The laptop worked perfectly well for the first couple of days. I could complete my tasks, play games, and listen to music. However, one day, it suddenly stopped working. When the battery ran out, the laptop turned off, and I cannot turn it back on. I tried to fix it and even borrowed a battery from my friends, but nothing happened. I was disappointed to discover that the laptop had stopped working, so I decided to reach out to you.
I am enclosing the faulty product along with the receipt and expect to receive a new, fully functioning one in return.
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