The importance of commas in relative clauses
zmodyfikowany: 2 lata temuostatnia aktywność: 2 lata temu
Remember that a defining relative clause is written without commas. Note how the meaning changes when commas are inserted:
(a) The travellers who knew about the flood took another road.
(b) The travellers, who knew about the flood, took another road.
In (a) we have a defining relative clause, which defines or limits the noun travellers. This sentence therefore tells us that only the travellers who knew about the floods took the other road, and implies that there were other travellers who did not know and who took the flooded road.
In (b) we have a non-defining clause, which does not define or limit the noun it follows. This sentence therefore implies that all the travellers knew about the floods and took the other road.
Source: A Practical English Grammar, A.J. Thomson A.V. Martinet
Remember that a defining relative clause is written without commas. Note how the meaning changes when commas are inserted:
(a) The travellers who knew about the flood took another road.
(b) The travellers, who knew about the flood, took another road.
In (a) we have a defining relative clause, which defines or limits the noun travellers. This sentence therefore tells us that only the travellers who knew about the floods took the other road, and implies that there were other travellers who did not know and who took the flooded road.
In (b) we have a non-defining clause, which does not define or limit the noun it follows. This sentence therefore implies that all the travellers knew about the floods and took the other road.
Source: A Practical English Grammar, A.J. Thomson A.V. Martinet
Dodać mogę, że w przypadku (b) - non-defining clause - spokojnie można wyrzucić to, co jest między przecinkami, a znaczenie pozostanie takie samo: The travellers took another road. - 2 lata temu
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If I were you, I would do it.
Gdy natomiast if jest w środku konstrukcji, przecinka nie dajemy:
I would do it if I were you.
Taka ciekawostka... a inne zasady przecinkowania to sam muszę jeszcze podszlifować ;-) - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu
I know her opinion, and she also knows my opinion.
I know her opinion and also my father's point of view.
Jeśli w każdym ze zdań są podmiot i orzeczenie: I know, she knows - to przed and wstawiamy przecinek.
Jeśli w którymś ze zdań nie ma pary w postaci podmiotu i orzeczenia: also my father's point of view - to w takim wypadku przed and nie ma przecinka. - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu
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Poza tym cenię sobie społeczność eTutora. Ci, którzy się tutaj uczą, nie tylko doskonalą język, ale też wzmacniają się wewnętrznie, bo wyrabiają wytrwałość przy codziennej nauce :-) - 2 lata temu
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