Madzialena0319 |
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Madzialena0319 |
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askawska |
TommyTu - tylko, że tutaj zostało użyte zdanie czasowe (Adverb Clause of Time). I np. mówisz "I'll buy another book when I sell / have sold this one."
13 lat temu
zmieniany: 13 lat temu
askawska - dzięki, TommyTu. To muszę jednak doczytać, bo całkiem straciłąm orientację.
13 lat temu
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granat |
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TommyTu |
TommyTu - And you're right in saying that '...,meaning that he no longer has the job because of disease.', but it the right context
'Joe was obliged to quit his job at Google last week due to illness. He had been working there for four months since he became ill.' - 13 lat temu |
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Czy wszystkie czynności użyte w Present Perfect można wyrazić w Present Continuous lub na odwrót?
Który z czasów powinien być użyty: Present Perfect Simple czy Continuous?
Present Continuous vs Present Perfect Continuous
Tryby warunkowe 0, I - nie tylko Present Simple are Present Continuous, Present Perfect
Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous ppoprawność tłmaczeń
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